Connect: Get Involved
Womens Fellowship
The womens ministry’s vision is to become rooted in a personal, loving relationship with Jesus and to have a better understanding of themselves and their purpose in life, develop personal relationships with other women in the congregation and allow for a friendly, non-threatening environment that allows them to introduce non-believers to the church. And as the photos show, we have a great time doing it.
Mens Fellowship
The goal of the Bridgepoint Men’s Ministry is to help men develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and become leaders of their families. Whether we gather for bible study, community service or a variety of social events, we are a group that is supportive while holding men accountable in their walk with God. Our group meets the first and third Wednesday of the month. Come spend the evening with a group of men with a heart for Jesus and a desire to learn the Word and apply it in each of our lives.
Childrens Ministry
Our Children’s Ministry is committed to fulfill God’s call to raise children in the faith. Our aim is to partner with the parents as they bring their children to the saving knowledge of God and His love. We work towards this goal by creating a fun and interactive place to learn abut God and His Biblical truths. We desire our children’s program to be a place where kids are eager to participate and eager to learn more about Jesus so they can be led into a personal relationship with Him.
YAY: Youth & Young Adult
The mission of the Bridgepoint Young Adults and Youth Ministry is to allow young adults and youth to encounter Jesus Christ through the study of God’s Word and to help cultivate and strengthen faith through discipleship, fellowship, and the keeping of God’s commands. Join us every other Friday!